
Official Documents
Here you can find our club official documents as follows:
II. Codes of Conduct:
- For Committee Members, Officials, and Volunteers
III. Health and Safety:
Squads & Training Information
Junior Squad
Training time:
- Tuesday 7-8pm Land session, 8-9pm pool session (Monkton Combe)
- Wednesday 7.15-8.15pm pool session (University of Bath)
- Sunday 11:30-12:30pm land session, 1:00-3:00 pool session (University of Bath)
Coach: Georgina Coombs, Steve Merrett, Holly Miller, Laura Smith
Fee: £75/month for all session. Annual fee of £50 not included.*
Click here for the training kit list.
Master Squad
Training time:
- Tuesday 7-8pm Land session, 8-9pm pool session (Monkton Combe)
- Wednesday 7.15-8.45pm pool session (University of Bath)
- Sunday 11:30-12:30pm land session, 1:00-3:00 pool session (University of Bath)
Coach: Georgina Coombs, Steve Merrett, Holly Miller, Laura Smith
Fee: £75/month for all session. Annual fee of £50 not included.*
Click here for the training kit list.
Learn to Sync Squad
Payment Information
The fee payment can be made monthly.
For students, it is possible either monthly (October to May inclusive) or per semester.
For the purposes of making payments to the club, the Bank details are as follows:
Bank: Santander
Account number: 05021664
Sort code: 090129
IBAN: GB54ABBY09012905021664
Please use the swimmers initial and surname, plus the reason for the payment, as the reference. Eg t-shirt A Smith, grades A Smith, membership A Smith, Camp A Smith
Thank you.
FINA Figures 2017-2021
We have our own Vimeo Channel showing the 2017-2021 FINA Figures for each age group.
Each figure has its own video. Each Age group has its own section. Please make sure you are watching the correct age group. The figure number and age group are listed in the video title.
Age groups as follows: 15-17 Junior, 13-15, 12 and Under.
Click here for the TeamBathSynchro Vimeo Channel.